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Sacrifice and Scapegoat

No one who has ever done dream work with Jeremy Taylor will forget his epiphanic evocations of The Willing Sacrifice Archetype. At times the sheer exuberance of its energy felt like the consummation of a lifetime of exploration. In  The Living Labyrinth,  Jeremy wrote: "The eternal drama of struggle among Shadow, Trickster, and Divine Child eventually calls forth the healing and transformative archetype of the Willing Sacrifice. It is the Willing Sacrifice that is ultimately capable of reconciling the naturally opposed tensions embodied in the paradoxical Trickster. The Willing Sacrifice is capable of resolving the paradox of the Trickster's dual nature, and indeed, the dual nature of all archetypal images. "…Organized religion in general, and Christian religion in particular, has done us all a great disservice by promoting the notion that Willing Sacrifice is present only in the largest and most dramatic acts of painful self-sacrifice and martyrdom. These great

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